Mon interprétation du champ mots-clefs (keywords) associé à chaque article, avec comme idée de départ la généreration d’un nuage de tags (tagcloud).
À quoi peuvent bien servir des mots-clefs, à part bourrer être utilisés dans la meta keywords ?
À bien des choses en somme. Descriptif :
- recherche des mots-clef les plus fréquents
- nuage de tags texte, ou une liste formatée prête à passer en paramètre à un script
- pour un article : obtenir une liste d’articles associés à au moins un mot-clef commun
- pour les Twitter-addicts, les utiliser comme hashtags
Il est possible de restreindre la sélection par sections et/ou catégories.
Aide du plugin
A keywords usage: counts and lists, tagclouds, hashtags
Developed with a tagcloud in mind.
Idea inspired by tru_tags and chh_keywords, pieces of code grabbed almost everywhere, borrowed from many plugins developers, you know who you are ... thank you !
Table of contents
- get a simple list of all keywords used (example)
- get a list with number of occurences for each keyword (example)
- build a tag cloud (example)
- build a formatted list ready to pass as a parameter to a script (example)
- get articles that share same keywords with the current one (example)
- turn article keywords into hashtags (example)
Download, installation, support
Download from the plugin page.
Copy/paste in the Admin > Plugins tab to install or uninstall, activate or desactivate.
Visit the forum thread for support.
Tags and attributes
All tags share the common presentational attributes wraptag
, break
, class
, breakclass
. Default values are unset. See Attributes Cross-reference for further information.
- <txp:cbe_all_keywords />
- <txp:cbe_keyword />
- <txp:cbe_keyword_count />
- <txp:cbe_keyword_ratio />
- <txp:cbe_keywords_related />
- <txp:cbe_keywords_hashtags />
<txp:cbe_all_keywords />
Get a list of all keywords.
Can be used in a page or form template, either as a single or container tag.
Attribute | Description and values (default underlined) | Example |
status |
Search keywords in articles having the specified status
live: selects live articles only sticky: selects sticky articles only all: selects live and sticky articles |
status="all" |
time |
Search keywords in articles posted in the specified timeframe
past: selects past articles only future: selects future articles only any: selects past and future articles note: selecting expired article or not depends on admin preferences |
time="any" |
limit |
Number of keywords to process/display
unset: all keywords integer: only this specified number |
limit="10" |
sortby |
How to sort resulting list
unset: no sorting alpha: sort by alphabetical order weight: sort by frequency |
sortby="weight" |
sortdir |
If sorting the list, direction to use
asc: ascending order desc: descending order |
sortdir="desc" |
section |
Restrict to the (list of) section(s) provided. Can be used in conjunction with the category attribute
unset: all sections string: a section name string: a comma-separated list of section names |
section="my-section" |
category |
Restrict to the (list of) category(ies) provided. Can be used in conjunction with the section attribute
unset: all categories string: a category name string: a comma-separated list of category names |
category="my-cat" |
form |
Form used to process each keyword
unset: no output string: a form name |
form="keyw_form" |
minfontsize |
For a weighted list or a tagcloud: the minimum font size to use (see examples below)
false: no calculation needed integer: number representing the minimum character size |
minfontsize="12" |
maxfontsize |
For a weighted list or a tagcloud: the maximum font size to use (see examples below)
>false: no calculation needed integer: number representing the maximum character size |
maxfontsize="24" |
label |
Label to prepend to the output
unset: no label >string: text for the label |
label="Tags" |
labeltag |
Tag wrapping the label
unset: no tag string: a tag without brackets |
labeltag="h2" |
<txp:cbe_keyword />
Value of the current keyword.
Used as a single tag.
: convert characters to HTML entities - values:
- unset: use UTF8 character set
- html: use ISO-8859-1 character set only
- htmlspecial: convert only special characters (&, ", ', <, >)
<txp:cbe_keyword_count />
How many times the current keyword is being used.
Attributes: no other than the common presentational attributes.
<txp:cbe_keyword_ratio />
How many times the current keyword is being used amongst all the other keywords.
Attributes: no other than the common presentational attributes.
<txp:cbe_keywords_related />
Works as <txp:related_articles />
, but on a keywords basis.
Attribute | Description and values (default underlined) | Example |
status |
Restrict to articles having the specified status
live: selects live articles only sticky: selects sticky articles only all: selects live and sticky articles |
status="all" |
time |
Restrict to articles posted in the specified timeframe
past: selects past articles only future: selects future articles only any: selects past and future articles newer: selects only articles newer than the one displayed older: selects only articles older than the one displayed note: selecting expired article or not depends on admin preferences |
time="any" |
limit |
Number of articles to retrieve
default: 10 |
limit="5" |
sort |
How to sort resulting list
default: Posted desc Each field in the "textpattern"−table can be used as a sort key |
sort="Title asc" |
section |
Restrict to the (list of) section(s) provided. Can be used in conjunction with the category attribute
unset: all sections string: a section name string: a comma-separated list of section names |
section="my-section" |
category |
Restrict to the (list of) category(ies) provided. Can be used in conjunction with the section attribute
unset: all categories string: a category name string: a comma-separated list of category names |
category="my-cat" |
form |
Form used to process each article
unset: no output string: a form name |
form="keywrel_form" |
label |
Label to prepend to the output
unset: no label string: text for the label |
label="Related" |
labeltag |
Tag wrapping the label
unset: no tag string: a tag without brackets |
labeltag="h2" |
no_widow |
Whether to inhibit line breaks in titles before the last word
default: according to Advanced Preferences boolean: 0 : authorize linebreak, 1 : inhibits linebreak |
no_widow="1" |
<txp:cbe_keywords_hashtags />
keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 become #keyword1 #keyword2 #keyword3
Attributes: the common presentational attributes, plus
: limits the output to the specified number, can be a negative value to return the n last keywords.
Basic usage
<txp:cbe_all_keywords break=" " />
outputs a single line containing all keywords.
Text tagcloud
<txp:cbe_all_keywords minfontsize="12" maxfontsize="24" sortby="alpha" sortdir="asc" label="Tagcloud" labeltag="h2" wraptag="div" class="tagcloud">
<span style="font-size: <txp:cbe_keyword_ratio />px;"><txp:cbe_keyword /></span>
Try with minfontsize="100" maxfontsize="200"
and style="font-size: <txp:cbe_keyword_ratio />%;"
Flash tagcloud
This is how to construct the parameter to pass to WP-Cumulus, using the internal textpattern search engine, and assuming you have the flash file available:
- Create a form, name it for example param_cumulus and put the following code (in one single line):
<txp:cbe_all_keywords minfontsize="8" maxfontsize="22"><a href='<txp:site_url />?q=<txp:cbe_keyword escape="html" />' style='font-size:<txp:cbe_keyword_ratio />px;'><txp:cbe_keyword /></a></txp:cbe_all_keywords>
- In the script, pass the paramaters this way:
<script type="text/javascript"> ... so.addVariable("tagcloud", "<tags><txp:output_form form="param_cumulus" /></tags>"); ... </script>
Top 10 keywords
<txp:cbe_all_keywords limit="10" sortby="weight" sortdir="desc" wraptag="table" class="allkw">
<txp:cbe_keyword wraptag="td" class="kw" />
<txp:cbe_keyword_count wraptag="td" class="count" />
<txp:cbe_keyword_ratio wraptag="td" class="ratio" />
Related articles
Titles of the (at most) five latest related articles :
<txp:cbe_keywords_related limit="5" break="br" wraptag="div">
<txp:title />
Links to the (at most) ten related articles older than the current one, and published far in the past :
<txp:cbe_keywords_related time="older" sort="Posted asc" />
Links to the (at most) ten related articles that were immediately published after the current one :
<txp:cbe_keywords_related time="newer" sort="Posted asc" />
<txp:cbe_keywords_hashtags wraptag="p" break="span" class="hashtags" breakclass="tag" />
will generate something like this :
<p class="hashtags">
<span class="tag">#textpattern</span>
<span class="tag">#javascript</span>
<span class="tag">#jquery</span>
- 04 Apr 13 - v0.2 - Added values
time='newer | older'
(than displayed article) for<txp:cbe_keywords_related />
- 11 Jul 11 - v0.1 - Initial release
Sur les mêmes thèmes
cbe_swap_body_excerpt | cbe_if_prod_status | cbe_output_form | Exemples pour cbe_members | cbe_members | Exemples pour cbe_frontauth | cbe_frontauth | cbe_helpful | MonEcharpe | cbe_if_variableCe que vous en pensez
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