et <txp:cbe_if_article_future>
se basent sur la date de publication d’un article pour vérifier s’il est publié ou non.
Utile par exemple pour
- empêcher certains événements lors de la visualisation d’un futur article à partir de l’interface administrateur
- couper les commentaires d’un article pas encore publié que l’on diffuse en exclusivité de façon restreinte (ou par accident…)
Aide du plugin
Tests if an article is already released, or will be in the future
Table of contents
Download, installation, support
Download from the plugin page.
Copy/paste in the Admin > Plugins tab to install or uninstall, activate or desactivate.
Visit the forum thread for support.
- support for
<txp:else />
Tags and attributes
Two tags that are opposite to each other.
Always used as a container tag, in an individual article or article list context.
<txp:cbe_if_article_released> ... </txp:cbe_if_article_released>
Evaluates to true
if the article's publishing date is past.
<txp:cbe_if_article_future> ... </txp:cbe_if_article_future>
Evaluates to true
if the article's publishing date is future.
Caution : the plugin doesn't care about the article's status (live, sticky) or expiration.
Released article
<txp:output_form form="comments_display" />
Shows comments and comment form (assuming that comments_display
is the default one) only if the article is released.
Future article
<p>Comments are not yet opened.</p>
<txp:else />
<txp:output_form form="comments_display" />
Shows a message if the article is not yet published, otherwise shows comments and comment form (still assuming that comments_display
is the default one).
- 24 Jun 11 - v0.1 - Initial release
Sur les mêmes thèmes
cbe_swap_body_excerpt | cbe_if_prod_status | cbe_output_form | Exemples pour cbe_members | cbe_members | Exemples pour cbe_frontauth | cbe_frontauth | cbe_keywords | cbe_helpful | MonEcharpeCe que vous en pensez
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Pour voir l'animation, mettez le plugin Flash à jour !
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